CLASS OF 2 0 1 6
C i c e r o - N o r t h S y r a c u s e H i g h S c h o o l
Respected In The Classroom | Loved In The Community | Feared On The Field
CNS Competes in Battle of the Fans!

This year CNS competed in it's first ever Battle of the Fans! CNS seniors orchestrated many clever tricks to win the affair. Before the game even started Seniors passed out newspapers to every fan in the student section for them to read while the opposing teams were announced...OUCH! There was a fantastic turnout as the student and parent sections were filled to maximum capacity. The roars of the crowd shook the roof. Although the basketball team took a loss, the fans won! We won the nomination for section three Battle of the Fans. It was a close battle and an amazing sight to see students come together for a common cause! The event proved how this class can truly out-do other schools from our section!
This Year's Events

Artwork by Daniel Harbaugh
Homecoming 2016 was a day to be remembered in the CNS community. From the pregame to the actual game, you could feel the electricity in the air around Bragman Stadium. Two seniors from CNS (Daniel Harbaugh, Matt Kane) organized a massive student tailgate that broke every social boundary that could exist in a high school. The parking lot was full of people! It was a great sight to see the students from the Class of 2016 support the football team in such a positive and exciting way! Although the football game didn't go in our favor, it was a great game and the Blue Crew showed what they're made of!

Artwork by Daniel Harbaugh
Homecoming 2016
This Year's Senior Ball
Ladies grab your dresses and men grab your tux. It's Ball time! This year's Class of 2016 Senior Ball is sure to be a great one! Love is in the air as June rolls around. Students are starting to get their dates in order. This year's venue is the OnCenter in Syracuse. Grab your dancin' shoes and get ready to boogie, senior year will end with a BANG!
Artwork by Daniel Harbaugh
Artwork by Daniel Harbaugh