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CLASS OF 2 0 1 6
C i c e r o - N o r t h S y r a c u s e H i g h S c h o o l
Respected In The Classroom | Loved In The Community | Feared On The Field
"Being a part of the CNS Class of 2016 has definitely changed me for the better. My experiences here and the people I've met have had such a positive impact on my life, I wouldn't change it for the world. "
~Daniel Harbaugh: CNS Senior
Who Are We?
CNS is a school built upon the basis of trust, integrity and high academic achievement. With that comes this year’s senior Class of 2016, or better known as, the best class in the state. The Class of 2016 is a family...filled with students of the highest caliber. Our academic excellence coupled with our unwavering school spirit creates one of the greatest atmospheres one could ask for within a high school. Our students are loved in the community, respected in the classroom and feared on the field.

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