CLASS OF 2 0 1 6
C i c e r o - N o r t h S y r a c u s e H i g h S c h o o l
Respected In The Classroom | Loved In The Community | Feared On The Field
Athletics - This year's stand out teams
After an impressive season, Boy CNS varsity soccer made it all the way to the state championships. With an overall season record of 12-2-2 there was nothing regular about their season. Coached by Mike McCaffery this year's group of seniors has been expected to carry the team to a sectional win ever since he started coaching them as a travel team in 2008! This year's top players were Nick Bitz and Zach Spenard with a strong defense by Matt Pike. "This group of players has been together for years and our chemistry is as good as it will ever get. Winning the section was a dream and one of the proudest moments of my life," says Pike.

Girls Basketball
Girls basketball this year proved their worth literally all across the country. One of the best teams since the departure of Bree Stewart, our most famous basketball alum, this year's team had a record of 23-1. They kicked off their season with a very special and well-earned trip to a tournament on the west coast competing against the best teams in the country. These girls set the gold standard in section three with another section title showing they are a force to be reckoned with.
Boys Volleyball

This year, Boys volleyball finally made a stand in the section. With Mike Lucia winning coach of the year it's no surprise why either. The team was undefeated in league play making an easy grab of the section title. The boys also made it to the state championships. With support from more students than ever before, volleyball will never be viewed the same way again. Senior Mitch Eager tells us "to see a crowd that size at one of my games left me speechless every time. The support was unwavering and it really topped off our amazing season."

This year's football team (much like last years, and the year before) was not very good. They earned a spot on the stand out teams list for their optimism and overall impact on the school. No matter who you talk to on the team, or how bad they were down, this team never gave up. Also, if there was one thing this team could do, it was rally the students behind them. For this year's homecoming game you could not see any metal from the home bleachers, only fans. Watching CNS football play is an amazing experience when you see the courage of the players and the electricity of the fans. Although the team can't seem to find the section title, their legacy will live on.